Friday, August 10, 2012
Back to School, not back to bullying
Despite widespread efforts to deal with the problem, bullying is a persistent issue in schools, says Donna Henderson, a professor of counseling at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.
"The goal is to create a no-bullying environment for children. It's hard because we live in a world that accepts violence, intimidation and power as currency in life," Henderson said in a university news release.
Henderson offered tips for parents to prevent their children from becoming bullies or victims:
Ask school officials and teachers about what they do to prevent bullying and hold schools accountable for their anti-bullying policies.
Watch for warning signs in children at the start of the new school year, such as sudden changes in behavior and not eating.
When you see bullying behavior, call it bullying and tell your children that it's unacceptable behavior.
Discuss bullying with your children. Use real situations, news stories, television programs and movies as opportunities to talk about bullying.
Regularly ask children about bullying and address any problem immediately.
If your child is being bullied, letting them know you understand and share their distress can help them feel better.
Discuss and/or role play possible responses to bullying, such as walking away, not showing emotion, staying in groups to avoid being singled out, and confronting a bully.
Do some self-assessment. If you use intimidation in your dealings with others, you may be setting a bullying example for your child. Or if you're bullied by other adults and don't put a stop to it, your child will believe that's the way to respond to bullies.
More information
The Nemours Foundation has more about bullying.
Copyright © 2011 HealthDay. All rights reserved.
Tags: children's health, behavior, parenting
Bully Proof Your Student
It probably started in preschool when your son was playing with the truck and a big mean four and a half year old just came over and stole that dump truck right out of your sweet innocent little man's precious little hands. How dare he?!
The fact is, kids can be mean. Shoot, adults can be mean too. Why do you think someone created the bumper sticker, "Mean people suck"? You can't be with your child 24/7 to protect him from the school bully. You can't control what other children do; but you can control how your child reacts. Or at least hopefully you can bully proof your student.
For starters you want to ensure your precious baby isn't on the giving end of the bullying. Not only is it rude and wrong, it could land your assertive child a suspension. (Assertive sounds so much better than aggressive, don't you agree?)
You would do well to explain the psychology of a school bully before your child is faced with a situation where he (or she) is the one being bullied. The "do unto others rule' is a good place to start. You can also explain that often children act like a bully to mask other feelings (anger, disappointment etc.) If your student isn't doing anything intentional to egg on the rough and tough, the odds are in his favor he may not be a target.
Only you know whether or not your child is mature enough to understand what makes a bully act in a certain manner. If you still have "a situation" even after you've thoroughly and repeatedly discussed how to play nice and how to avoid instigating any negative playground behavior, it's time for Plan B.
Make sure that your child's teacher is aware of the situation. That's not considered tattling; it's your responsibility. Often school can and should put an end to it once they become aware. Ok, so you tried all that and it still didn't stop? Assuming you already had the discussions about defending, not offending; using words not violence, then as a last resort your child should feel free to defend himself. While most parents teach their child that fighting is bad, getting the snot kicked out of you is bad too.
If you personally don't have the knowledge to equip your child, then enroll him in a martial arts class. There is absolutely no correlation between children becoming violent after attending a few self defense lessons. Don't you want to bully proof your student?
With all that said, remind your child that the easiest way to remedy the situation may be to befriend the bully.
Back to School
How quickly summer goes, and now we are at threshold of kids returning to school.
I know some say yayayayay,wooowoooLOLS. I know and kids like oh nooo.
I know I used to hate school myself. However the key to the rest of the year is how you begin. This can be a fresh start. You do not have to get all the new styles, there are many shops, stores one can get many cool stuff for much cheaper, and no one need know what you paid. Key is to remember research, compare.
Also noteworthy...
By Ted Feinberg, EdD, NCSP, & Katherine C. Cowan
National Association of School Psychologists
Getting a new school year off to a good start can influence children’s attitude, confidence, and performance both socially and academically. The transition from August to September can be difficult for both children and parents. Even children who are eager to return to class must adjust to the greater levels of activity, structure, and, for some, pressures associated with school life.
The degree of adjustment depends on the child, but parents can help their children (and the rest of the family) manage the increased pace of life by planning ahead, being realistic, and maintaining a positive attitude. Here are a few suggestions to help ease the transition and promote a successful school experience.
Before School Starts
Good physical and mental health. Be sure your child is in good physical and mental health. Schedule doctor and dental checkups early. Discuss any concerns you have over your child’s emotional or psychological development with your pediatrician. Your doctor can help determine if your concerns are normal, age-appropriate issues or require further assessment. Your child will benefit if you can identify and begin addressing a potential issue before school starts. Schools appreciate the efforts of parents to remedy problems as soon as they are recognized.
Review all of the information. Review the material sent by the school as soon as it arrives. These packets include important information about your child’s teacher, room number, school supply requirements, sign ups for after-school sports and activities, school calendar dates, bus transportation, health and emergency forms, and volunteer opportunities.
Mark your calendar. Make a note of important dates, especially back-to-school nights. This is especially important if you have children in more than one school and need to juggle obligations. Arrange for a babysitter now, if necessary.
Make copies. Make copies of all your child’s health and emergency information for reference. Health forms are typically good for more than a year and can be used again for camps, extracurricular activities, and the following school year.
Buy school supplies early. Try to get the supplies as early as possible and fill the backpacks a week or two before school starts. Older children can help do this, but make sure they use a checklist that you can review. Some teachers require specific supplies, so save receipts for items that you may need to return later.
Re-establish the bedtime and mealtime routines. Plan to re-establish the bedtime and mealtime routines (especially breakfast) at least 1 week before school starts. Prepare your child for this change by talking with your child about the benefits of school routines in terms of not becoming over tired or overwhelmed by school work and activities. Include pre-bedtime reading and household chores if these were suspended during the summer.
Turn off the TV. Encourage your child to play quiet games, do puzzles, flash cards, color, or read as early morning activities instead of watching television. This will help ease your child into the learning process and school routine. If possible, maintain this practice throughout the school year. Television is distracting for many children, and your child will arrive at school better prepared to learn each morning if he or she has engaged in less passive activities.
Visit school with your child. If your child is young or in a new school, visit the school with your child. Meeting the teacher, locating their classroom, locker, lunchroom, etc., will help ease pre-school anxieties and also allow your child to ask questions about the new environment. Call ahead to make sure the teachers will be available to introduce themselves to your child.
Minimize clothes shopping woes. Buy only the essentials. Summer clothes are usually fine during the early fall, but be sure to have at least one pair of sturdy shoes. Check with your school to confirm dress code guidelines. Common concerns include extremely short skirts and shorts, low rise pants, bare midriffs, spaghetti strap or halter tops, exposed undergarments, and clothing that have antisocial messages.
Designate and clear a place to do homework. Older children should have the option of studying in their room or a quiet area of the house. Younger children usually need an area set aside in the family room or kitchen to facilitate adult monitoring, supervision, and encouragement.
Select a spot to keep backpacks and lunch boxes. Designate a spot for your children to place their school belongings as well as a place to put important notices and information sent home for you to see. Explain that emptying their backpack each evening is part of their responsibility, even for young children.
Freeze a few easy dinners. It will be much easier on you if you have dinner prepared so that meal preparation will not add to household tensions during the first week of school.
The First Week
Clear your own schedule. To the extent possible, postpone business trips, volunteer meetings, and extra projects. You want to be free to help your child acclimate to the school routine and overcome the confusion or anxiety that many children experience at the start of a new school year.
Make lunches the night before school. Older children should help or make their own. Give them the option to buy lunch in school if they prefer and finances permit.
Set alarm clocks. Have school-age children set their own alarm clocks to get up in the morning. Praise them for prompt response to morning schedules and bus pickups.
Leave plenty of extra time. Make sure your child has plenty of time to get up, eat breakfast, and get to school. For very young children taking the bus, pin to their shirt or backpack an index card with pertinent information, including their teacher’s name and bus number, as well as your daytime contact information.
After school. Review with your child what to do if he or she gets home after school and you are not there. Be very specific, particularly with young children. Put a note card in their backpack with the name(s) and number(s) of a neighbor who is home during the day as well as a number where you can be reached. If you have not already done so, have your child meet neighbor contacts to reaffirm the backup support personally.
Review your child’s schoolbooks. Talk about what your child will be learning during the year. Share your enthusiasm for the subjects and your confidence in your child’s ability to master the content. Reinforce the natural progression of the learning process that occurs over the school year. Learning skills take time and repetition. Encourage your child to be patient, attentive, and positive.
Send a brief note to your child’s teacher. Let the teachers know that you are interested in getting regular feedback on how and what your child is doing in school. Be sure to attend back-to-school night and introduce yourself to the teachers. Find out how they like to communicate with parents (e.g., through notes, e-mail, or phone calls). Convey a sincere desire to be a partner with your children’s teachers to enhance their learning experience.
Familiarize yourself with the other school professionals. Make an effort to find out who it is in the school or district who can be a resource for you and your child. Learn their roles and how best to access their help if you need them. This can include the principal and front office personnel; school psychologist, counselor, and social worker; the reading specialist, speech therapist, and school nurse; and the after-school activities coordinator.
Overcoming Anxiety
Let your children know you care. If your child is anxious about school, send personal notes in the lunch box or book bag. Reinforce the ability to cope. Children absorb their parent’s anxiety, so model optimism and confidence for your child. Let your child know that it is natural to be a little nervous anytime you start something new but that your child will be just fine once he or she becomes familiar with classmates, the teacher, and school routine.
Do not overreact. If the first few days are a little rough, try not to over react. Young children in particular may experience separation anxiety or shyness initially but teachers are trained to help them adjust. If you drop them off, try not to linger. Reassure them that you love them, will think of them during the day, and will be back.
Remain calm and positive. Acknowledge anxiety over a bad experience the previous year. Children who had a difficult time academically or socially or were teased or bullied may be more fearful or reluctant to return to school. If you have not yet done so, share your child’s concern with the school and confirm that the problem has been addressed. Reassure your child that the problem will not occur again in the new school year, and that you and the school are working together to prevent further issues.
Reinforce your child’s ability to cope. Give your child a few strategies to manage a difficult situation on his or her own. But encourage your child to tell you or the teacher if the problem persists. Maintain open lines of communication with the school.
Arrange play dates. Try to arrange get-togethers with some of your child’s classmates before school starts and during the first weeks of schools to help your child re-establish positive social relationships with peers.
Plan to volunteer in the classroom. If possible, plan to volunteer in the classroom at least periodically throughout the year. Doing so helps your child understand that school and family life are linked and that you care about the learning experience. Being in the classroom is also a good way to develop a relationship with your child’s teachers and classmates, and to get firsthand exposure to the classroom environment and routine. Most teachers welcome occasional parent help, even if you cannot volunteer regularly.
Extracurricular Activities
Go for quality, not quantity. Your child will benefit most from one or two activities that are fun, reinforce social development, and teach new skills. Too much scheduled time can be stressful, especially for young children, and may make it harder to concentrate on schoolwork. When evaluating extracurricular activities, consider your family schedule and personal energy level. Multiple activities per child may be too much to manage, particularly if the activities have overlapping times, disparate locations, require your attendance, or disrupt the dinner hour.
Select activities where you have someone with whom you can carpool. Even if you are available to drive most days, you will need backup sometimes. Choosing activities that occur on-site after school will also minimize driving.
Find out from the school or teacher which days will be heavy homework or test study days and schedule extracurricular activities accordingly.
If your child does not want to participate in regular, organized extracurricular activities, you may want to consider other options to help build interests and social skills. For example, check out the local library for monthly reading programs, find out if your local recreation or community center offers drop-in activities, or talk to other parents and schedule regular play dates with their children.
When Problems Arise
These recommendations can contribute to a positive and productive school experience for most children. Some children may exhibit more extreme opposition to or fear of school or may be coping with more specific learning or psychological difficulties.
If your child demonstrates problems that seem extreme in nature or go on for an extended period, you may want to contact the school to set up an appointment to meet with your child’s teachers and school psychologist. They may be able to offer direct or indirect support that will help identify and reduce the presenting problem. They may also suggest other resources within the school and the community to help you address the situation.
While children can display a variety of behaviors, it is generally wise not to over-interpret those behaviors. More often than not, time and a few intervention strategies will remedy the problem. Most children are wonderfully resilient and, with your support and encouragement, will thrive throughout their school experience.
Clark, L. (1996). SOS: Help for parents (2nd ed.). Berkley, CA: Parents’ Press. ISBN: 0935111204.
Dawson, M. P. (2004). Homework: A guide for parents. In A. Canter, L. Paige, M. Roth, I. Romero, & S. Carroll (Eds.), Helping children at home and school II: Handouts for families and educators. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Rimm, S. (1996). Dr. Sylvia Rimm’s smart parenting: How to raise a happy, achieving child. New York: Crown. ASIN: 0517700638.
National Association of School Psychologists—
Parent Information Center—
Ted Feinberg, EdD, NCSP, served upstate New York schools as a school psychologist for more than 30 years and currently is an Assistant Executive Director of the National Association of School Psychologists. Katherine C. Cowan is Director of Marketing and Communications for NASP. This material is adapted from their article posted previously on the NASP and Teachers First (NITV, Inc.) websites.
© 2004 National Association of School Psychologists, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814—(301) 657-0270.
Medicine Cards spreads
Medicine card spread is used depending on the medicine one is seeking or or the problem one is trying to heal.
The cards that come with medicine card spread each has a number and an animal on its inside face .If its number and face are upside down the card is said to be in reverse position. Therefore the card has two meanings , one for right side up and one for the reverse. It is best to right all cards before beginning. In seeking to find one's animal medicine one could choose to use one are all of the various spread listed below.
Medicine wheel spread
Pathway Spread
Butterfly spread
Father sky mother earth spread
Moon Lodge Spread
Sun lodge Spread.
Medicine Wheel spread
1 East card reveals where your spiritual strength lies and indicate the direction your spiritual Path is taking. It can reveal the major challenge in seeking clarity in your present position.
2 South card describes how animal medicine is teaching the child within you or your adult self. It is what you need to trust in yourself and what you need to nurture in your growing self.
3 West card gives internal solutions to your present life challenge it indicates where you goals need challenge.
4 North card teaches you how you may spiritually apply and interrogate the lessons of the other directions. The animal medicine of this card is the key to walking in wisdom knowing the teacher within and connecting to the higher self.
5 The sacred mountain card ask you to look at the present .This card Indicates how your physical and spiritual realities melded to produce at the present moment
Each medicine card has a number and a picture of an animal on its face. If the medicine card is reverse its number and face are upside down. Two lessons are therefore presented with each card one for right side up and one for reverse. It is therefore best to right all cards before beginning.
You can choose one card for daily medication by spreading cards on the table and choose one.
Pathway Spread
The pathway spread gives information about the pathway of life. Seven cards are used for this spread. The cards are laid out as follows.
1. Row one is made up of two cards and are the cards of the 6th and 4th cards chosen .the 6th card farthest to left and the 4th to the right of it.
2. Row two is the middle row ,it is made up of three cards and is laid exactly below row one with the 3rd card chosen to the extreme left , the 2nd card chosen in the middle , the 1st card to the right of the 2nd card beside it.
3. Row three is made up of two cards. Laid out under row three the 5th card goes exactly under 2nd card of row two and the 7th card goes under 1st of the row two.
NB. Row two the middle row is the first to be constructed. Rows one and three are constructed at the same timeThe cards of these position represent the following
1st position your past
2nd position your future
3rd position your future
4th position the pattern or set of life lessons that is moving through your life now
5th position the challenge you have conquered or the lesson you have completed.
6th position what is working for you
7th position what is working against you.
Butterfly spread
The butterfly is used to determined the outcome of projects or group enterprises. Four cards are used for this medicine. They are drawn from the pack and place downwards on the four cardinal points of the medicine wheel classic directional level position, in the order of East, south, west , north. These cards indicate the various phases that the project activity will move through right to its conclusion.
1. East card is known as the egg card or egg position. You view this card as the nucleus or seed of your project or activity.
2. South Card is known as the lava card or lava position. It is about early doings, what is needed to be done how and who best to be responsible, and if there will be enough energy to carry through the project. .
3. West card the cocoon card or cocoon position is where the highest transformation will take place.
4. North card butterfly card or butterfly position is likely to tell you if the great spirit will walk hand in hand with the group or project. Look at the cards to tell what type of rewards you will gain financially. Look at the cards to tell what type of rewards you will receive.
Father Sky Mother Earth spread
This spread is a method of balancing yourself when times are hectic and you need to rid yourself of the confusion. Everyone has two sides male or warrior energy side -right side ruled by the left brain or the mother earth side of the body - the left side ruled by the right brain or intuitive side of the mind which allows the process of all things and time.
To use this spread merely pick one card with the right hand and one with the left. Hold them in front of you and focus on the balance of your male self (right)and your female self left(left)and observe silently the connection or lack of connection between the female and the male and above, To help balance them you may call upon the medicine of the creature one at a time . Be sure to enter the silence and allow the animal to speak.
Contrary cards indicate an unbalanced in the medicine of the cards. Its position in the spread give future information.
Moon Lodge Spread
The moon lodge is a mirror of one's own unconsciousness. It is laid out in the same manner as the medicine wheel spread. This is used to uncover what is within you,
1. East card is the whirling spirit card, it unlocks your spiritual nature.
2. South New growth, is the seed card ,here one looks for possible beginning in personal relationship or in relationship to the environment. It may reveal the true feeling for someone or something.
3. West card this is the dream within the dream. It may lead you to your real purpose in life so study it well.
4. North card this indicate the inner wisdom you may not have recognized in yourself study this card with the intent of knowing your self.
5. Central card this indicate the integration point of all the directional medicine of your personal unconsciousness. It is the power shield of the real self. This is the card of the circle of the knowing within and knowing the true self and non can ever fool you.
Sun Lodge Spread
The sun lodge spread determines how others see you.
It is the spread of outward relationship. It is laid out as the medicine wheel spread. It is different as you are required to hold the image of the person you are seeking about in your mind.
1. East card, this is an indication of how the person sees you spiritually.
2. South card is an indication of how the person see you in the relation to the material world.
3. West card indicates how the person is likely to interact with you in response toyour deep desire.
4. North card this is the card of how the person views you intellectually.
5. Central card this is an indication of the total view of what the person has of you.
It suggests how the person will immediately respond to your pressures. how much you will gain financially.
Look for the continuation of this topic on the follow up webpage. Credit is given to Jamie Sams and David Carson for giving to humanity these information. Purchase one of their books on this page to learn more and to show your gratefulness.What you read on thes web pages are not even the tip of the iceberge.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Oracle of the Dragon Fae
The cards pull on energies from many of the mythical lands and otherworlds such as Avalon, Atlantis, and Lemuria. The cards all involve either dragons, faeries, or a combination of the two. Cavendish explains in the guidebook that the Dragonfae are ancestors from these lands and that those who are part of the Dragonfae bloodlines, which she presents as being pretty much everyone, are people with natural magickal abilities which can be used to help protect and heal the earth. She explains that the Dragonfae are mainly protectors and that they are fierce protectors of Gaia.
The guidebook gives a good deal of background about the concept of the Dragonfae and how they can be used to help give healing and guidance to those that seek their aide. They are wise guardians of deep Gaian wisdom that can help guide and heal those who are willing to seek it and use it properly.
The artwork on the deck is beautiful and there is a lot of balance in the deck. There are some really great lighthearted cards and then those which cover some of the darker, heavier energies. The cards are printed on nice flexible but durable card stock with a glossy finish that makes shuffling them easy. They are 3.5x5.5 in size which makes them perfect for both reading and mediation. The book is 164 pages and has wonderful in-depth information for each card. The one thing that is missing that might throw some people is a lack of suggested spreads for using the cards. The booklet discussions doing single card pulls in brief and then talks about a 12 card medicine wheel style spread. As I always say, use oracle card the same way that you would use tarot and use your intuition on how you want to draw the cards.
Fernia speaks:
I wish to be honest with you, so you understand what it is you think and feel you are wishing for. Do you understand that in order for you to be in connection with all you feel you desire that there will be what many consider to be sacrifices along the way? Do you understand that what we can offer you is shelter, yes, soft and sweet, tender and shaded beneath the heat of the sun, a place to rest and sleep and dream? But do you also know that others will say you dwell in a fantasy land and that what you dream of cannot be? Consider the truth of what it is you wish for and know that whatever you commit to, expectations play no part in this promise I make to you...because I do pledge to shelter you and introduce you to magicks, to show you the ways of the Dragonfae folk and to help tend the little ones with me. But I also promise you this: that your supposed nirvana will be muddy and dirty and difficult at times. There is no way for this to be what you fantasise about. You will need to care for yourself and to allow others to be who they are. For this is the path of clarity: knowing who you are and the part you play in all things. Leave your expectations behind and be prepared to discover more magick than you ever thought possible. Do not seek to possess anything...and know that you are free to choose, in every moment, if you will go on. Do you understand that if you wish to be of this realm, and yourself entirely, that you will give up some old ways of thinking? Otherwise you may find yourself hurt by the conflict such incompatible thoughts and feelings will bring.
About Fernia
This Dragonfae being is of the ferns; she is a sincere and open-hearted being who is confident enough to look all who greet her in the eye, before determining whether or not she will gift them with her magick, and her soft and tender shelter. She is a fascinating being who is oft-misunderstood due to her appearance being wild and beautiful: the reactions people have to her are far more about them than they are about her. Despite being hardy under the right circumstances, she is a tender being and can be easily hurt and scored. Tis important for her to be out of direct sunlight, to take time to be in her shadowy realm where she can tend and care for the other forest floor beings, including baby Dragonfae who are often left with her as she is so kind and sheltering. Her allure is often considered to be powerful, though it is gently expressed and thus oft-underestimated. She is one who others can develop almost obsessive interest in; and while she flourishes when given loving attention, too much love can almost hurt her. She must be free, and able to grow in the right those who wish to be with her will need to make many compromises and adjustments, even sacrifices. But they are all worth it when one realises what she offers is a unique, delicate and ancient way of seeing and being in this world.
Divinatory meanings
When Fernia shows up in your life, she is asking you to consider honestly and clearly what it is you expect to gain from the situation currently before you. It could be that you are fascinated with another person or path: and Fernia will ask you to return to find that source within yourself. When she appears, there may be people around wishing to possess and own you, thus she encourages you to be free and to find the right place for you. Fernia is all about being in the right place, under the right conditions for you, and then flourishing. She will also ask you to seek out independence, and to say what is and is not right for you, and to be clear about this, in gentle and loving ways. Her sheltering ways have led many others to flourish beneath the gentle shade she casts, and the pools of water she gathers for the baby Dragonfae to drink. She shelters and yet she sheilds. You are that contradiction, that magickal paradox too. Never let anyone tell you that you are weak. Beware too, those who may be obsessively in lovewith you at this time people who can develop crushes and wish to be with you, and yet do not understand who you truly are and the delicacy of your needs and desires. You fascinate them...but this does not mean you must uproot yourself, for that could mean your unique nature may not survive. Best to let those who profess to love you so come to you when this card makes her gentle, but oh so beguiling appearance.
Working with Fernia
Beginning to understand the impulses and flux and flow of romantic love, as opposed to the love between souls that is steadfast and timeless. Working with plants energies, flower essences, growing and working with native plants, ancient plants to preserve their energies, teachings and wisdoms. Communicating with the Dragonfae via your garden, conserving nature and working with Dana-energy in her plant forms.
Gentle Power
The Sovereign speaks:
It is not our desire to possess power, but to radiate it out in ever-increasing waves, sending these seedlings of empowerment into the world, taking root in all your hearts. We do not hold on, we allow this power to extend out, to flow and to be yours, too. To be a Queen, to be the sovereign of your world is not what so many beings feel and dream it to be. It is not about the instant fulfilment of whimsical desires, nor is it the power of enjoying personal luxury while others suffer and lament. It is to be a caretaker and an example to all. I ask you now, that if you wish to be treated as royal and as the sovereign in your world, you must become truly royal: care for the others around you, walk amongst them, bear yourself with dignity and courage, no matter the circumstance, and know that no small thing is too humble to be of interest to you. Look around your world and see where you have confused the fulfilment of desire with the role of sovereign...and take up the mantle of that role in your life now. It is no burden, but it is a responsibility. You are are are the one who creates your world. Like it or not, you are the one who must change the order of what is, and bring about the change you wish to see elsewhere by bringing it forth from within yourself.
About the Sovereign
The Sovereign is a Dragonfae Queen who rules the element of the earth. She is of the autumn, of the mineral world and of those things that grow. She is compassionate and loving, and filled with a sense of her own power that only encourages the power of others. Thus, she is an inspiration and muse to all those wishing for mentors in the realm of their own personal sovereignty. She offers a different experience to the one many of us have been taught: that of competition, that of beings fearfully taking what they can, while they can, as they are so wracked with the anxiety that there are insufficient resources to go around. She dwells in the realms of the infinite and protects all she dwells with. However, she does not allow this harmful vibration to enter her magickal realm, so those with grasping hands and hearts will never see her, or feel her true deep magick. Open-hearted we must be, sovereign to ourselves, loving unto ourselves and full of the knowledge that we already have more than enough...our role is to be fully who we are and play our part in the dance of life. She is soft, and yet she is majesty. This is for you to allow into your life, now.
Divinatory meanings
Refusing to acknowledge yourself as the Creator in your world, blaming authority figures, seeing only the trappings and the not the humanity and the responsibility, being too influenced by others who you see as successful, powerful others, thus giving away your power. Not taking care of the little things in your own domain, seeing what is yours now as unworthy of great care or interest.
Working with the Sovereign
Feel your own soft majesty. Feel your power, now, and express it through living in integrity. Be responsible, beginning now and incrementally taking the vibratory level up gently each day for your world. Care for the Earth by recycling and composting, and consuming in an aware fashion. Exert gentle influence by being a wonderful example to others. Be your magnificent, sovereign self, as this Dragonfae lady guides you back to the path of true and deep glory: not the glory of the material, or of the attention, or the fame, which are all simply clutter. But to truly care for yourself, to have the freedom to choose your role, to have the right to create a luxurious and sumptuous and beautiful environment in which to dwell, and to bear yourself with dignity and regal splendour, without others trying to cut you down to size again this is what you must now do. Your integrity or theirs? No longer believe the untruths of those in authoritybecome your own authority and live in the light of your own truth.
Written by Lucy Cavendish
Published by Blue Angel Publishing
Features 43 cards and 164 page guidebook,
packaged in a hard-cover box set
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Daily Faery Oracle
A Collection of Pixies
If you are faced with duties right now, or boring, oppressive things you just don't want to do but are obliged to, this card recommends taking a lighthearted approach. A merry heart makes light work and all that!
But seriously, if you do make the conscious decision to do whatever it is you have to do with joy, zest and vavavoom, the whole energy of the undertaking changes and becomes lighter; everyone involved feels the difference and is affected positively by it.
A collective of Pixies is all about taking pride and joy in whatever you do, no matter how seemingly dull or tiresome or "small" the task may appear on the surface.
Everything that you do is important, and the way that you do it is even more important. Joining forces with others is always a good idea to make these things easier to deal with, so seek co-operation from those who might be able to help...or just ask the faeries for their might be surprised how things turn out!
Pixies are a type of fae, they remind us all of the magick all round us if we open our eyes and hearts . Take also some time to breathe in life's magick
The Friends
The Friends speaks of deep and committed relationships, and the importance of offering support and nurturing whenever you can. But equally, do remember to ask for help and assistance when you're the one in need. A true friendship is never one-sided - giving and receiving is done willingly on both sides - and pride, or fear of rejection is never an issue.
At the end of the day, if you can be your own best friend, then you will find it easier to cultivate and nurture your existing friendships, and to plant the seeds for new ones coming into your life.
Laiste, Moon's Daughter
Laiste is encouraging you to awaken to your higher self and to your true potential and, as yet, unexplored wisdom. You may not realise it, but you do have many hidden senses and talents and now is a good time to explore these.Be particularly attentive to your dreams and look for deeper levels of meaning, symbolic meaning if you like, in everyday occurrences. Laiste disapproves of sleepwalking and will send you these signs and messages to see if you are really awake!
Once you do tap into your own wisdom and knowledge and begin to trust it, you will find that things flow more easily and your decisions and choices will bring a surprisingly high degree of success. Your psychic abilities - hunches, intuition etc - will become clearer and you will achieve a level of trust in yourself that you have never before known.
The Singer of Initiation
This is the card of significant change and challenge. There is the potential now for moving into a new realm, which involves a new way of being.
You have probably felt this major change building for a while now, and perhaps put the accompanying challenges down to bad luck or fate. In actual fact, it was an initiation, a test, an opportunity to see you if have truly learned the lessons you have been working on and are ready to move on. Rest assured, you were only given this initiation because this Singer knew that you had the potential and the ability to pass it.
The Singer of Initiation often presages a period of success, of seeing and using your own powers at a higher and more ethical level. You are being given the opportunity to move into greater fulfillment of your own potential, and to take on a new level of responsibility for yourself...and for the world.
The gate is now open to you...but you are the one who has to step through it!
The Pook
This is the card of seeming contradictions and paradoxes in your life.
Things may seem confusing right now, and your mind may be all of a muddle - one minute thinking one thing, the next minute thinking the opposite.
The Pook is suggesting that you let go of your need to put "good/bad" labels on everything, and realise that there is always some good in bad, and some bad in good. Not everything is clear black and white - there's a lot of grey area in between too!
The information you need right now, or the right way forward, is available to you, but it cannot come through if you have a rigid mindset. Try not to get too bogged down with it all. Relax, wait, stay alert and you will soon have a burst of insight and "get it".
Resolution is within sight.
This card often turns up when disagreements and differences with others is an issue.
If this is the case, Unity recommends re-focusing on the things you have in common with the person/people in question, and considering how might find reconciliation. Dropping defensive attitudes and forgiveness may be key here.
Prejudice and judgmental, critical attitudes only push us further into the delusion of separateness, and Unity reminds us of the truth...that we are all one in a unified, holistic universe.
And when we really understand that, it makes reaching out to others with compassion and selflessness seem like second nature!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
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