Nov Spirit Message of the Day
ZEN MESSAGE“To transform breakdowns into break-throughs is the whole function of a master. The psychotherapist simply patches you up – that is their function. They are not there to transform you.” That is up to you. “It is the greatest adventure in life to go through a breakdown consciously. It is the greatest risk because there is no guarantee that the breakdown will become a breakthrough.Your internal chaos “is very ancient – for many, many lives you have been in chaos. It is thick and dense. It is almost a universe in itself. So when you enter into it with your small capacity, of course there is danger. But without facing this danger nobody has ever become integrated, nobody has ever become an individual, indivisible.”
Time for new cycle, and an ending of old way of living to new way.
Initiation means death, and rebirth. Samhain is about death and rebirth.
To allow the old to go, pass, and embrace new.
A door way stands before you
Will you walk though it ?
Medicine wheel
“It’s you who decides
on your mission and fate
For how else could you learn
of your gift to create?”
“It’s you who decides
on your mission and fate
For how else could you learn
of your gift to create?”
“You are unstoppable. You have full creative sovereignty over your present which creates your future. All things are possible because you are possible – and the possibilities are endless without limits. Allow your entire being to fill with joy and excitement as the truth reminds you of how far you can reach. Let it become impossible to see yourself as anything less than totally unlimited. You are worthy of complete happiness. Allow the Universe, unseen forces, entities, spirit guides, angels, helpers, aids, fairies, and more – to conspire on your behalf - and achieve your dreams.”
“Let your dreams become a reality today. What does your heart desire? You’re at an important juncture in your life when it’s time to make decisions about what you truly want. Spend time alone in quiet contemplation and consider your heart’s desires, as many options are open to you now. The great news is that once you’ve clearly pinpointed your deepest desires and know that you are deserve them, the doors of opportunity all easily open for you. You’ll dance in partnership with your intuition; first listening to the inner voice and next taking action upon that guidance. Although your path may involve some work and tenacity, it will be smooth and peaceful. You deserve to be happy. Your happiness has the power to uplift the entire world and radiates healing energy wherever you go – with everyone you meet.”
Excerpts taken from Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things! by Mike Dooley and Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
ZEN MESSAGE“To transform breakdowns into break-throughs is the whole function of a master. The psychotherapist simply patches you up – that is their function. They are not there to transform you.” That is up to you. “It is the greatest adventure in life to go through a breakdown consciously. It is the greatest risk because there is no guarantee that the breakdown will become a breakthrough.Your internal chaos “is very ancient – for many, many lives you have been in chaos. It is thick and dense. It is almost a universe in itself. So when you enter into it with your small capacity, of course there is danger. But without facing this danger nobody has ever become integrated, nobody has ever become an individual, indivisible.”
Time for new cycle, and an ending of old way of living to new way.
Initiation means death, and rebirth. Samhain is about death and rebirth.
To allow the old to go, pass, and embrace new.
A door way stands before you
Will you walk though it ?
Faeries' Oracle & The Heart of Faerie Oracle
by Brian Froud
Cards with me for ten years and are attentive witnesses the ups and downs of my life. They are the ones who encouraged me to develop my intuition and to share with others.
Whenever I call to them, they put me back on the right path, sometimes gently, a little pat on the back, sometimes more strongly a surge surprises me and makes me lose my balance. It remains only to get up, to laugh at myself and say thank you.
For fairies, despite their appearance, do not lace. Sometimes they play us and frankly reflected our worst, if patterns ingrained in us that we refuse to see. Sometimes they laugh at us, sometimes they laugh with us. Sometimes it is the joy and the hope that springs is a resounding yes to our questions, but more often it is a more subtle encouragement causing reflection ...
A few months ago, "The Heart of Faerie Oracle" came complete happiness with his little brother in a set of 131 cards.
The Faeries' Oracle consists of 66 cards.
Map 0 is left empty to draw its own guide, personalize their oracle and connect with him.
Cards 1-13: The Singers (angels)
cards that represent abstract pure energy. Angels, if we ask them for help, with compassion guide us through the stages of life.
cards that represent abstract pure energy. Angels, if we ask them for help, with compassion guide us through the stages of life.
Cards 14-26: The Sidhe (lords)
The high-ranking fairyland, they channel and use the energy of angels. They are the ones who built and maintain the kingdom.They are there to give us an example. Knowing that free will is important, they do not give us orders. They prefer to make suggestions that we should listen if we want to improve our lives.
The high-ranking fairyland, they channel and use the energy of angels. They are the ones who built and maintain the kingdom.They are there to give us an example. Knowing that free will is important, they do not give us orders. They prefer to make suggestions that we should listen if we want to improve our lives.
Cards 27-39: Faery Guides and herdsmen (guides)
Guides spend their time and energy to humans are that they develop their talents and gifts. They help us explore our potential and transcend our limitations and fears.
Guides spend their time and energy to humans are that they develop their talents and gifts. They help us explore our potential and transcend our limitations and fears.
Cards 40-52: The Help-Line Troupe (grants)
are associated with the elements (water, earth, fire, air). They are lively and energetic, often cheeky and mischievous. They lead us to ask questions in our lives every day.
are associated with the elements (water, earth, fire, air). They are lively and energetic, often cheeky and mischievous. They lead us to ask questions in our lives every day.
Cards 53-65: The Faery Challengers (challenges)
are there for us to face our fears, our illusions, our fault. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. They test our knowledge, our wisdom and our degree of personal fulfillment. They offer us challenges that we have the potential to succeed, to move in our lives.
are there for us to face our fears, our illusions, our fault. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. They test our knowledge, our wisdom and our degree of personal fulfillment. They offer us challenges that we have the potential to succeed, to move in our lives.
The Heart of Faerie Oracle consists of 65 cards.
Card 1-9: The Faery Queens (Queens)
Feminine power par excellence, nine queens corresponding to nine aspects of femininity. Their advice, sometimes friendly, sometimes ruthless, help us in any case to grow.
Cards 10-18: The Queens' Consorts (consorts)
The male energy that balances queens, nine others, which represent nine aspects of male / female relationship. Consorts promote or thwart the feminine energy according to their placement in the draw.
Cards 19-31: The Archetypes (archetypes)
Thirteen archetypes that have existed for centuries and are the ancestors of the fairies.
Thirteen archetypes that have existed for centuries and are the ancestors of the fairies.
Cards 32-39: Sprites (spirits)
Eight happy young minds who bring help and encouragement. They can be mischievous but never dangerous. They encourage the joy in all its forms.
Eight happy young minds who bring help and encouragement. They can be mischievous but never dangerous. They encourage the joy in all its forms.
Cards 40-45: The Ladies (the bridesmaids)
Six ladies temperament sometimes capricious, we bring gifts for us to understand ourselves and how we evolve, we know if we will accept.
Six ladies temperament sometimes capricious, we bring gifts for us to understand ourselves and how we evolve, we know if we will accept.
Cards 46-52: Tricksters (the pranksters)
September pranksters who, as their name suggests, we decide to share their wisdom in an unexpected way. We do not always appreciate their escapades, but sometimes originality is just what we need to resolve a complex situation.
September pranksters who, as their name suggests, we decide to share their wisdom in an unexpected way. We do not always appreciate their escapades, but sometimes originality is just what we need to resolve a complex situation.
Cards 53-65: The Journey (journey)
Sixteen cards, placed side by side, take us on a journey into the heart of fairyland. They also represent the stages of life and allows us to be on our way.
Sixteen cards, placed side by side, take us on a journey into the heart of fairyland. They also represent the stages of life and allows us to be on our way.
Nature's Wisdom Oracle
The Owl is known for quiet observation, the eyes ofwl are exceptional esp at night, which helps it find it's prey. We have two ears one mouth for a reason which means we should listen, and observe twice as much as we talk. Sometimes we get where we have not heard all another person has to say as we are already thinking of what we are going to speak.
Owl is not about ego, but wisdom.
It is time to listen more then just talking.
Medicine wheel
| ||
West | Center | East |
South |
Your Medicine Wheel
This reading explores the energies present in your life in each area of the Medicine Wheel. Choose this spread when you need a greater understanding of the inner forces at work in your life today.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
Center: The animal spirit that appears in the center of the Medicine Wheel reflects who you are at this point in time.
Cougar has long been associated with leadership. Cougars are powerful, agile, and unhesitating. When Cougar attacks, he throws one hundred percent of himself into the pursuit. Although cougar is strong, he is also elusive —hard to spot in the wild—until he decides to pounce. His lesson to you today is one of being a balanced leader—not rushing into the attack, not always lurking in the brush.
North: The animal that appears in the North shows you how to walk your talk. Here lies your connection with your Higher Self.
Wolverine is thought to be a bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. He has the ability to survive in the most difficult terrains—and his message to you is of inner strength. Have you forgotten just how powerful you really are? If so, it’s time to refocus and re-dedicate—and remember that Wolverine medicine runs through your blood.
East: This animal reveals the direction you need to take in order to gain clarity about your present situation.
The Crane
Cranes have been revered for centuries in many Oriental cultures, symbolizing good fortune and long life. If Crane has flown into your reading today, he brings a message of good tidings. Be prepared for something special today—emotional balance, good health, a spiritual “ah-ha!”, or simply pure joy.
South: This animal explores issues dealing with your inner child, and shows the energy needed to trust your own process.
Is your life in a state of balance? If not, long-legged Heron has flown in today to help you. Because Heron is a water bird, he is most often associated with emotions. He stands motionless, almost in a trance, his body mirrored in the water below. Take a few moments today to be like Heron—be quiet, go within, and discover the answer to your questions.
West: The animal that appears in the West holds the answer to your present challenge.
Green Man
Green Man peers out of the foliage to remind you that not all of life's mysteries have logical solutions. Be open to magical opportunities, spirit allies, and unconventional paths. Get out into the wilderness, ground yourself in meditation, and listen for Green Man's wisdom. You may just catch sight of him eyeing you in his leafy camouflage.
Day one
Oracle of the Dragonfae
The Wild Huntress, a Dragonfae who chose to fight for those who cannot protect themselves. She is also the Dragonfae of the endings, and invites me to meditate about how difficult it is to close a door.
Choices. I am facing them now, and so are many of you I believe. It's never easy. No matter how optimistic you are, the truth is that choosing usually means picking one way and abandoning the possibility of treading other paths, at least for the time being. Some doors never open again... others do, but they no longer are what they used to be. That is the price of choosing - that is the price of ending.
The Wild Huntress always seeks a clean ending. It's not her desire to use violence to cut the ties, and to provoke more pain than necessary. But she does not deny that there's pain - she is a warrior after all, and she has her scars. We too carry the scars of our choices, of all the endings that gave birth to new beginnings.
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