A Collection of Pixies
If you are faced with duties right now, or boring, oppressive things you just don't want to do but are obliged to, this card recommends taking a lighthearted approach. A merry heart makes light work and all that!
But seriously, if you do make the conscious decision to do whatever it is you have to do with joy, zest and vavavoom, the whole energy of the undertaking changes and becomes lighter; everyone involved feels the difference and is affected positively by it.
A collective of Pixies is all about taking pride and joy in whatever you do, no matter how seemingly dull or tiresome or "small" the task may appear on the surface.
Everything that you do is important, and the way that you do it is even more important. Joining forces with others is always a good idea to make these things easier to deal with, so seek co-operation from those who might be able to help...or just ask the faeries for their help...you might be surprised how things turn out!
Pixies are a type of fae, they remind us all of the magick all round us if we open our eyes and hearts . Take also some time to breathe in life's magick
The Friends
The Friends speaks of deep and committed relationships, and the importance of offering support and nurturing whenever you can. But equally, do remember to ask for help and assistance when you're the one in need. A true friendship is never one-sided - giving and receiving is done willingly on both sides - and pride, or fear of rejection is never an issue.
At the end of the day, if you can be your own best friend, then you will find it easier to cultivate and nurture your existing friendships, and to plant the seeds for new ones coming into your life.
Laiste, Moon's Daughter
Laiste is encouraging you to awaken to your higher self and to your true potential and, as yet, unexplored wisdom. You may not realise it, but you do have many hidden senses and talents and now is a good time to explore these.Be particularly attentive to your dreams and look for deeper levels of meaning, symbolic meaning if you like, in everyday occurrences. Laiste disapproves of sleepwalking and will send you these signs and messages to see if you are really awake!
Once you do tap into your own wisdom and knowledge and begin to trust it, you will find that things flow more easily and your decisions and choices will bring a surprisingly high degree of success. Your psychic abilities - hunches, intuition etc - will become clearer and you will achieve a level of trust in yourself that you have never before known.
The Singer of Initiation
This is the card of significant change and challenge. There is the potential now for moving into a new realm, which involves a new way of being.
You have probably felt this major change building for a while now, and perhaps put the accompanying challenges down to bad luck or fate. In actual fact, it was an initiation, a test, an opportunity to see you if have truly learned the lessons you have been working on and are ready to move on. Rest assured, you were only given this initiation because this Singer knew that you had the potential and the ability to pass it.
The Singer of Initiation often presages a period of success, of seeing and using your own powers at a higher and more ethical level. You are being given the opportunity to move into greater fulfillment of your own potential, and to take on a new level of responsibility for yourself...and for the world.
The gate is now open to you...but you are the one who has to step through it!
The Pook
This is the card of seeming contradictions and paradoxes in your life.
Things may seem confusing right now, and your mind may be all of a muddle - one minute thinking one thing, the next minute thinking the opposite.
The Pook is suggesting that you let go of your need to put "good/bad" labels on everything, and realise that there is always some good in bad, and some bad in good. Not everything is clear black and white - there's a lot of grey area in between too!
The information you need right now, or the right way forward, is available to you, but it cannot come through if you have a rigid mindset. Try not to get too bogged down with it all. Relax, wait, stay alert and you will soon have a burst of insight and "get it".
Resolution is within sight.
This card often turns up when disagreements and differences with others is an issue.
If this is the case, Unity recommends re-focusing on the things you have in common with the person/people in question, and considering how might find reconciliation. Dropping defensive attitudes and forgiveness may be key here.
Prejudice and judgmental, critical attitudes only push us further into the delusion of separateness, and Unity reminds us of the truth...that we are all one in a unified, holistic universe.
And when we really understand that, it makes reaching out to others with compassion and selflessness seem like second nature!
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