Her Spirit Leads, My Dedication
By Arizona Flame
From beneath a willow, So speaks to the owl
“Thou are the most lovely one”
As she walks the night
Her dogs howl
Trumpets sounding
Hail! To the Queen
Hekate walks the path between dark and light
Residing in the lands
No mortal has seen
Goddess of Fire
Strong are her powers
Over the earth
The heavens and the sea
A wise woman, Fair in command
Blessed is our circle
For she is our leader
Humbly before, Her we stand
She is within, Taking hold
Bestowing a privilege
Rare to behold
A crowning glory made of stars
Her energy flows within my veins
As the veil is lifted
A glimpse of her world
Powerful mystery, Much to explore
We ride a chariot
Pulled by her dragons
As she takes us inside
Her Spirit leads, A welcome delight
I feel her taking me in
Spirits dancing as we ride
Our souls drifting across the moon
She is the keeper
Checking her post
Taking us in
Sharing her realm
Arizona Flame